Saturday, April 26, 2014

Tar-J Boutique

Jack and I had to make a big grocery shopping trip to target today. If I had the choice, I would have waited for a day that Jack could stay home with Matt, while I shopped, but unfortunately we were out of all of the essentials (bread, milk, cheese, veggies, and dinner ingredients) and it couldn't wait another day. He actually did really well, considering that we were there for well over an hour. He only got noticeably fussy the last 10 minutes of our trip. It would have been sooner if I didn't have snacks to distract him with. The main issue that we face when shopping together is that he wants to eat everything that I put in the cart, as well as the things that are on the shelves, especially when we are in the produce department and he sees the apples. I will usually give in and let him munch on one while we shop when we go to our local grocery store that carries organic, but our Target doesn't carry organic, so today I improvised and opened a bag of pre-washed and cut apples in a bag to hold him over so I could finish the rest of my shopping without a meltdown.

After dinner he kept say "poo poo," so after some persuading I got him to sit on his portable potty. Unfortenly, by the time I convinced him to give it a go, he already went in his diaper. Oh well. At least he tried, right? That's better than his usual reaction of not wanting to sit on the potty at all.

"Oow, oow!" (in reference to where the pee and poop goes.)

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