Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Being that I am 5 days behind, I think the easiest way to get back into the swing of things is to post pictures and explain them as I go.

Grandma Patty sent Jack these cute books and a box of cheerios for Easter. Although, he was mostly just interested in eating them, he still had fun putting the occasional cheerio into a "Kirkle."

This was his favorite page. Not a big surprise, since he is obsessed with glasses.


He got more paint on his hands than the paper. This is because we did a hand-print painting activity for Easter and it was still fresh in his memory.

"Whatcha lookin' at Mom?"

Sticks and books are all this kid needs.

I love simple, engaging activities like this. He would go find a stick, put it in the bowl and repeat. It kept his attention for a solid 5 minutes.

I contemplated putting this on here because I know other parents read this and I wanted to avoid being labeled or judged as a "bad parent." But the truth is, I know that I am good parent and I also know that Jack is the busiest, most curious hands on toddler I know and seeing as the purpose of this blog is to document events that happen in our day to day life, I couldn't leave something this big out. Jack went to the ER again. This time it was because he got a hold of a miniature Christmas tree bulb that had been in Matt's coat pocket. By the time I noticed, he was chewing on the glass. I was able to retrieve the base of  the bulb, which held the wires and light filament. Despite all my efforts to get as much out of his mouth as possible, he did unfortunately end up swallowing some of the glass. Afterwards, My first instinct was to hysterically call Matt at work and when I got off the phone with him, I made a call to his pediatrician. Since it was a Saturday, I had to wait for the on-call doctor to call me back. When she finally called back, she told me that even though she didn't think that small amount of glass would do anything, for my peace of mind, I should go get him checked out. Long story short, they did an x-ray and they checked his mouth for cuts and stuck glass. Lucky for us, he was just fine. Thank god.

Jack digging into his Easter basket. I placed it in his room while he ate breakfast in the morning. After breakfast, I changed his diaper and when I was finished, I set him down on the floor and he immediately discovered it.

He was feeding his Bunny and it was adorable.

Lookin' snazzy in his Sunday Best.

Jack and daddy washing dishes. We sure know how to have a good time on Easter. PS... Holidays always illustrate how much we miss living near our families. They are truly the toughest time of year.

Time for an Easter Egg Hunt!

Every time he found an egg, he took it to his slide and ate the Jelly beans. It was hilarious.

He was so proud of himself every time he found an egg. He was also really excited to dig into the treasure that was inside.

This also happened on Easter. I ended up getting extremely sick midway through the day. Warning: Here comes a TMI moment. It was coming out both ends. IT. WAS. HORRIBLE. I had Matt make a run to the pharmacy, to see if there was anything I could take in an effort to feel better by 3:00, when Matt had to leave for work. This was the best he could do. Unfortunately, It did absolutely nothing and Matt ended up having to take the day off.

My appearance says it all.

He spent the longest time attempting to climb this tree. It was quite amusing to watch.

Sorting bears by colors. At first, he seemed like he didn't really get the concept, but after a while I realized he did in fact understand what to do, but it was way more fun to pour the bears from one container to the other instead.

Daddy and Jack having some guy time. Baking.

He was pretty proud of the fact that I let him drink his milk from a big boy cup.

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