Monday, April 7, 2014

Ice Cream MONDAY!

Our day in a nutshell...

This morning Jack and I ran to Lowes and Wal-mart to look at curtains and rugs. When I pulled into the driveway, I looked back, and to my surprise jack was snoozing away. Yay! 5 minutes of peace for me. :)  It was a "no make-up" kind of day...
Check out Jack's new chair I got at Wal-mart for $4. Matt and I have the same style chair, in a larger size obviously.
I absolutely love that it's finally nice enough to get messy in the sandbox!

Jack took a whopping 3 hour and 15 minute nap today! I'm pretty sure this is the longest nap he has taken. Ever! At 3 hours, Matt and I started to get worried, so we went in a checked on him. He must hast have been reallllllyyy exhausted, because normally he wakes up the minute we open his door. We just sat and there and watched him sleep for a few minutes. He looked so peaceful.
"cha!" (Cheers)
Here's a little sneak peak of the new floors. I will be sure to post before and after pictures as soon as we get the baseboard up and I finish decorating.
"This is awesome! I get to stay up late...and eat ice cream!"

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