At 22 months Jack is...
- repeating a lot of what we say. If I ask him to say something, he usually will attempt to repeat the word without hesitation and gets really proud of himself when it actually sounds like what I asked him to say. For example, the other day when we were reading a book about animals and I asked him to say the word "horse," not only did he repeat it, but he used the "s" sound as well, something that I had never heard until then. There are still a lot of times where we have no clue what he is trying to tell us, but I have noticed a significant improvement this past month. I have recently become a little concerned by the fact that Jack is not yet using 2-word sentences, something that he should be able to do by age 2. With that said, I am aware that boys are a little slower to catch on to speech than girls and also that a lot can happen in 2 months in the world of a toddler. Now that I think of it, He has said a few phrases that I would consider two-word sentences, including "check-out," "Love You" and "Hair cut."
- fascinated by how things work. He loves taking things apart and putting them back together, such as blocks, stacking cups and container lids. He also loves to pour things from one container to another such as water in the bath tub and matchbox cars, food, I even saw him doing this with forks and spoons the other night at dinner.
- on the verge of jumping. In fact, just tonight when Jack was on Skype with Matt's parents, doing the actions to "Wheels on the Bus" his feet were actually off the floor and slightly elevated. It was pretty cool to see.
- only using a "Gaga" at nap time and bed time. Immediately upon waking up, I have him put it in a porcelain jar that we call "the boot," because it resembles a pair of baby booties. At first he didn;t like the idea, but now it has become a game to put it in the jar and he actually looks forward to getting to wave and say "good bye" to his "Gaga."
- able to distinguish and point to all of the colors of the rainbow, as well as clearly naming most of them, especially blue, yellow and purple.
- doing chunky puzzles and sorting shapes with ease. His favorite shape is a circle and gets excited every time he sees one in real life, such as, the icons on my phone. He also loves stars and loves to point them out when we are reading. Every time he points to a star, he follows up by signing "more," in reference to me singing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star."
Sleep Habits...
- Recently we decided that Jack was showing signs that he was ready to have a later bedtime. He now goes to bed at 8 and will usually sleep until at least 7:30 and lately has even gone as late as 8:45.
- I usually put him down for a nap at 12:30 and he usually wakes up around 3.
Favorite Foods...
- homemade green smoothies
- Jack weighs about 36 lbs, if not more. We will know for sure when we go in for his 2 year check-up.
- Size 7 1/2-8 Shoe
-3T in tops and 2T bottoms
Extra Curricular...
-Little Gym on Fridays with Dad. Matt reports that he prefers to sit on Ms. Kristin's lap during circle time, rather than sitting next to him.
- The Y Child-Watch Program 3 times a week for 1 hour. He is been doing significantly better this month, and even when he fusses a little at drop off, the teachers tell us that he stops crying immediately after we leave. Whenever we pick him up, we stand and observe him for a few seconds before we run in and scoop him up and he appears to be having a good time. It's obvious that he is a teachers pet, because he's always at their feet rather than playing with the other kids. Though they don't seem to mind and they find jack's antics to be very cute and entertaining.