Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Ice Cream! Ice Cream! We All Scream for ICE CREAM!

It's "Friday" night for us, so I'm gonna keep things short and sweet and spend some much needed adult time with my hubby. (I can't believe I just referred to Matt as my "hubby!" I hate that word and it drives me nuts when people use it. No offense.)

Tonight after dinner, we took an impromptu trip to DQ. We haven't done this since we moved here almost two years ago, because there are so many better, locally-owned options to choose from. Jack and I split the Blizzard of the Month, which was Red Velvet Cake, and I highly recommend it. It was AMAZINGLY DELICIOUS! 

He kept taking from me and Matt's cup, because apparently he wanted to make his last longer. Smart boy.

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