Thursday, March 13, 2014

Decisions, Decisions. . .

You heard it here first folks. After almost two years of having to put up with warn and dated royal blue carpet, we are finally able to put in new flooring and I couldn't be more excited. By doing this, I feel like the house will once and for all be "ours." The blue carpet was really holding me back, as far as decorating the interior of the house is concerned. Up until now, I've had no desire to dedicate my time and energy personalizing the house to better suit our taste. I really didn't see the point, knowing that I would probably want to redo everything anyway, once we put the new floors in. This is just the beginning of home improvement projects for us. We also plan repaint most of the upstairs, add new baseboard, replace the tile in the bathroom and possibly tear out the wall in our kitchen to make the house more of an open concept layout. Lucky for us, we happen to have a master craftsmen in the family, who settles for nothing less than perfect, i.e., my father, as well as Matt's dad, who is pretty much the "Jack of Trades," so with both of their talent and knowledge, I have no doubt that we can make this place shine.

Today we set out to find more information about what type of floors would be best for us, as well as, picking out a few samples to take home and think on for a few days. Here's what we found. Which one do you like best?
Option #1. As of now,  we are leaning the most towards this option because not only is it the cheapest and come with the best warranty, but it's extremely durable, which is very important to us, having a young child and two dogs. We also think it will add much needed character to the house.

Option #2. The more I look at this one, the more I think it's not for us. For starters, it's too dark, and from what I hear the darker you go, the easier it is to see dog hair, dirt, and stains, and while I intend on keeping my house clean, I don't think it would be practical for us. Because let's face it, I can never fully keep up the the daily messes of a toddler and two dogs. It's impossible.

Option #3. This one kind of looks cheap to me, but maybe I just need to see the big picture and I'd like it more. Also, like #2, I'm sure we would be able to see everything bit of dirt and dog hair.

Option #4. We really like this one too and I feel like it will go with just about anything, the only problem is that it's over double the cost of Option #1, and we just don't know if we want to make that large of an investment, when we will possibly be relocating soon.

In other news, we "built" a car track for Jack today and he thought it was pretty awesome...

The great race between the dump tuck and the pay loader. If you can't tell, the suspense is killing Jack.

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