Saturday, May 17, 2014

Let There Be WATER!

Okay, okay, I know it's been forever since I last wrote and the truth is I really don't have any excuses other than the fact that I just didn't feel like it. I typically write these at the end of the night, long after Jack has gone to bed, and when I have completed various tasks around the house, such as, the dishes and putting the house back in order. This past week, my energy level has been non-existent and have been finding myself worn-out, even after a good nights sleep. The reason for this could be because we have been blessed some amazing weather and have spent a lot if our time outside in the sun. Anyway, I'm back and I hope to stay consistent for a while, at least until our upcoming trip home.

I thought it would be fun to share 6 exciting things that happened this week. So without further ado here is our Saturday Six:

1. Jack can now say and distinguish the letters J, C, S, Z, T, D, and O, and these are only the ones I have thought to take note of. I'm pretty sure there is even more to add to the list now.

2. Jack has begun number sequencing, and can say the numbers 2, 6, and 8, after I have called out the previous number. For instance, I'll say "1" and then Jack will say "2." I'll say "3,4,5" and Jack will say "6." I'll say "7" and Jack will say "8." Hopefully you get the idea.

3. On Wednesday, I cashed in my mother's day gift from Matt and Jack and went to our local outlet mall and went a little nuts. I got some really cute pieces for my summer wardrobe and I'm super excited to get the opportunity to wear them when we go home.

4. On Thursday, I went to the dentist and finally got the small chips in my two front teeth sanded down. They look good as new.

5.  Matt is almost finished putting the baseboard up. He just has to finish Jack's room and the stairwell. The house is really coming together nicely. Now if only I had enough energy to let my creative juices flow and start decorating.

6. Yesterday Matt was informed that someone from the Grand Forks Tower called his supervisor and requested information regarding Matt and the type of employee he is. I am trying not to get my hopes up, but I'm super excited about the thought of potentially moving only 5 hours away from our families. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that everything will work out.

We finally got to break out the Water Table today.

Jack and Daddy drilling holes in the Jar for their caterpillar that they found today.

uh-oh! We're in trouble now. Someone figured out how to open the fater

Someone went a little crazy with the chalk. The good news is, it's chalk, and it will inevitably wash away in the rain.

My hot, handy-man of a husband.

Earlier in the week we went on a dandelion hunt.

I'm happy to report that we officially have no more dandelions in our yard, at least for another day or two. 

Jack's 1st experience with the Sprinkler

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