Friday, May 9, 2014

Bunnies Asleep in the Hay

Remember yesterday when I told you that Jack can say and distinguish the letter "O?" Well now you can add "M" and "Z" to the list as well! I can't tell you how awesome it feels to know that Jack is actually retaining the information that I aim to teach through play and simple activities on a day to day basis.

I forgot to mention yesterday that after 5+ years, I finally went to the the dentist. The last time I was supposed to go was a week before our wedding and someone rear-ended me on the way to my appointment. when I went in yesterday, I warned the hygienist that she may have her work cut out for her, being that it had been so long and the fact that I have given birth to a child since, which I have heard can take a toll on your teeth. To my surprise, she told me my teeth look great, considering that it has been so long. She said that there was barely any Tatar to clean off and also from what she could tell, I had zero cavities. Yay for me! She did mention that I had some swelling in my gums on the left side, which was probably due to hormones. She recommended that I floss and use mouthwash daily, which I will admit I am guilty of not doing so as often as I should.

As I was cleaning up after bedtime tonight, I noticed this. Jack put his bunny asleep in the hay. How sweet is that!?  I love him so much.

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